6 June 2017

My Impact collection is a pictorial force of energy in action. I want it to change, transform and innovate the way people think – when they look at my work they will feel, they will react, they will make choices.

This collection of oil on canvas uses artistic expression to infuse the pieces with the complexity of a moment of impact. We all face events and everyday moments that impact our lives. Whether they are positive or productive, devastating or saving, destroying or creative, it is impossible to fully contemplate their entire effect.

Generations have evolved throughout history to both suffer and benefit from these strong forces. They have shaped and revolutionised our spirit and intellect; nations rise and fall, entire civilisations have been left behind. And while natural disasters and new discoveries play a vital role imposing these moments of impact on our lives, they always come with a price.

In my paintings, these consequences are expressed with nervous brush strokes that appear to have not nearly enough patience to deeply examine the impact on the canvas. Instead colour and semi-geographical shapes are evoked to create this imagined space where we are all bound to share these moments. The colours are bold and vigorously applied, free of constraint. The ovals and circles symbolise our unending dilemmas and resolve within the force of impact. The dynamism of the art work is almost imprisoned and free at the same time, connecting a reaction from my perspective to the spectator. We all need a point of reference that determines who we are, who we are about to become. In the paintings, these points are reflected in the larger dark marks connecting one oval shape to the next.

I chose pastel tones and shades to create the feelings that come with the impact of unconditional love, kindness and compassion and peace. These colours discreetly talk about the beauty and the extraordinary gift of life and of each other. The togetherness and fusion of ‘people of peace’ in this world is a necessity to us all. We experience and we share together, powerfully, through our personalities and characters. These elements of human interaction are the kinds of impact that provide hope.

I want the viewers to step away from the paintings and examine themselves. I want them to ask themselves whether these moments of impact can redeem us. The answer is yours!

Enzina Fuschini


Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm


Deep impact of blue in colours and shapes, with point of reference expressed with white and oval face without expression, reminiscent of De Chirico mannequin.


Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm


Impact in Green

Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm


In the Mind

Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm


Le Mille Bolle Blue

Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm



Oil on canvas
80 x 120 cm


Out of Space

Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm


Soft Impact

Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm


Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm

The Others

Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm



Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm


Oil on canvas
100 x 100 cm